We tried to continue shopping by traveling to the Lateran district and wandered a bit, finding a delicious fresh pasta lunch in a dumpy-looking trattoria instead. Something Abruzzi...
After lunch, Pat and I walked over to St. John Lateran, the 3rd of Rome's 4 Basilicas we've seen. It was really pretty, well, more stately, outside.

But inside it was beautiful. The floors were inlaid with cosmati mosaics and the walls & ceiling were covered in paintings, gold leaf and statues.

We'd heard that the baptistry was must-see but it was closed for a few more hours so we came home.
Tonight Greek club dinner here. Everyone's bringing pizza so I don't have to cook. A good thing since it's HOT here today. Afterward I think we're going out to send off one of Pat's classmates who is leaving tomorrow. I tihnk now is the begining of saying goodbye here until it's our turn in 13 days.